
So... you know when someone right next to you talks about you like your not siting right there. Yeah that's happening to me. These many people at my school that i don't really like. I'm not going to say names, because I'm not gonna get in trouble. So let's name this person bob. I don't like bob AT ALL! He gets on my last god darn nerves. I just want to flick him in between his bushy eyebrows. Sorry, I take that back...that was kinda harsh... But he really does irritate me. Like all the dang time. In school this website is one of my projects for a really cool class that I have. And Bob next to me just told his little friend that my website was worthless and that it wasn't really a project... Why would he say that while I'm sitting RIGHT NEXT TO HIM! I put a lot of work into this website' and I also tell things on this website that I'm not very comfortable to say out loud. Thanks a lot Bob. It really hurt my feelings...