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It is very frustrating being a teenager. Different teens have different ways of handling the stress. Lets call these thing 'happy things'. I personally read, talk to friends, and eat to release some stress from all the responsibilities that come from being a teen/ getting older. But sometimes these things that I do to handle the stress distract me from doing my responsibilities. to tell the truth sometimes I just don't feel like doing it. but other times I am just distracted by the fun things in my life. School is getting MUCH harder. Last night I COMPLETELY forgot about a science lap report that was due and I had to email to my teacher. Yet I still get yelled at for simply forgetting something? it hurts sometimes when you get yelled at by a parent. you just stand there in shook. But then they yell at you for not saying anything. Then on top of that they threaten to take one of your 'happy things' away from you. Then you think about never talking again or never eating again. But then it all happens again the next day. It sucks being a teen...

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